This Week on Minimal 3DP (April 28)

This week I am continuing work on my Voron 2.4. I will be adding to my Orca Slicer tutorials as I can as well.

OrcaSlicer Logo
Photo: SoftFever

The Week of April 28st 2024

I am currently working on several projects this week. They include:

Voron 2.4 R2 Pro+ Build

i recordedcan unboxing video on Sunday and I have begun building the Voron this week. I am working myvway through the assembly manual and wiol drop a vireo of rrame assembly next weekend.

Orca Slicer Tutorials

I am working to add to my Orca Slicer tutorials th ok s week. i want to do a post on ideal settings for support (based on a viewer question) and do a video on my recommendation for seam settings.

STEM Outreach

As part of my job, I sometimes do STEM outreach with local schools. This usually involves taking a 3D printer and talking to kids (and parents) about STEM careers. Before I go to an event, I have gotten into the habit of 3D printing a bunch of print-in-place and flexi animals to give out. This week I am hoping to print 100 animals.

This Week on Minimal 3DP (April 21)

I am getting ready to start a new project this week. I am building a Voron 2.4 Pro+

Voron Circuit Board Logo
Photo: Team FDM

The Week of April 21st 2024

I am currently working on several projects this week. They include:

Voron 2.4 R2 Pro+ Build

I have started getting together my project website for my Voron build. One of the newer ideas I am trying is to create a project website. I am hoping that it makes it easier for me to save references and other links. I typically try to research a project before I begin and it will make it to asier to share my research.

With the Voron build, I have mostly saved basic references from the Voron site. I have also saved doc from the FormBot site. They appear to have some updated instructions for their kits.

Belt Driven Ender 3

I stumbled across this project a while ago. It seemed like an interesting conversion for my Ender 3 v2. This week I am going to work on adding a project website and printing the needed parts. The hardware cost less than $30 USD.

STEM Outreach

As part of my job, I sometimes do STEM outreach with local schools. This usually involves taking a 3D printer and talking to kids (and parents) about STEM careers. Before I go to an event, I have gotten into the habit of 3D printing a bunch of print-in-place and flexi animals to give out. This week I am hoping to print 100 animals.

Klipper Calibration Website

The Klipper Calibration Website is a series of tools and calculators to help you tune and optimize Klipper and your 3D prints.

Klipper Calibration

M3DP Tools and Connections
Photo: Mike Wilson / CC-BY-CA

A while ago, I create the my Klipper Calibration Spreadsheet to help myself keep track of and remember various Klipper formulas to tune and improve my 3D prints. I decided to share the tools and i have received lots of requests to share the Spreadsheet. Rather than giving everyone access to edit my original sheet, I have recommended to everyone to “Make a Copy” of the sheet for their personal use. In a lot of cases this has caused some confusion. By making a copy, there is no way to any edits or updates I do to the tools.

Because of this (and my desire to do a little programming), I have put together the Klipper Calibration Website. The standalone site gives me an opportunity to create some useful tools and program. It also give me a way to create more detailed documentation and video links.

Another hope is that, because I am using Docsy, I can use the tie-ins with GitHub to allow the community to comment, make suggestions, and give feedback. I could than further refine the tools. It is my hope that this site will continue to evolve over time and include additional tools.